Directions to Strawberry Hill Seaside Inn, Rockport, Maine

We’re conveniently located on U.S. Route 1, midway between Rockland and Camden

If you’re coming from the South, follow Route 1 North through downtown Rockland. You’ll go through several traffic lights, continuing on Route 1. Once you reach the end of the shopping areas, you’ll cross the Rockport town line and drive past the lovely Glen Cove Rest Area, maintained by the Town of Rockport. To your right, you’ll glimpse the magnificent view you’ll have from your private balcony. As you head up the hill, we’re on your right, just after the Island View Inn.

From the North, you’ll follow Route 1 South through Camden and most of Rockport. Continue heading South on Route 1 through the intersection of Routes 1 and 90 (Market Basket will be on your right), and continue through the light at Pen Bay Medical Center. The next light is the signal for Old County Road: you’ll proceed through the light and look for our sign on your left.

From the East, you’ll take Route 17 South to the intersection of Routes 17 and 90. Take a left at the traffic signal and head East on Route 90 through the first light (Meadow Street) to the lighted intersection of Routes 90 and 1. (Market Basket will be on your right.) Take a right onto Route 1, heading South, and continue through the light at Pen Bay Medical Center. The next light is the signal for Old County Road: you’ll proceed through the light and look for our sign on your left.

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